
People Can't Hide Who They Are


One of the things I miss most about my grandmother Nancy is the little talks we used to have. Sometimes, after a long day working two jobs, she would come home and sit down as if she was letting the air out of herself. As a young boy, I was full of energy and I couldn’t understand exactly how she felt. I understand more and more every day.

Sometimes, after a bit, we would talk. Regardless of my age, she always spoke about life to me as if I were a peer or at the very least someone who needed no artificial sweetening or dumbing down of the harsh vagaries of life. One of the things she always used to tell me was*:


People can’t hide who they really are. If a moment of truth comes and someone shows you who they really are, don’t ignore it or try to convince yourself it never happened. Trust them and thank them for the knowledge they are giving you, good or bad.


It’s something I’ve always tried to take to heart, even if it’s sometimes hard.






*I’m treating this as a quote, but I’m paraphrasing.